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"Everything you make returns to Earth as food or poison."

— Céline Semaan

Hi 👋🏻 I'm Audrey, a Business Sustainability Consultant.

Ex-designer 🎨 Dog shelter volunteer 🐶 Professional trash picker 🗑️

I pledge my time and skills towards supporting independent businesses and building communities that care.






Freedom • Authenticity • Empathy • Openness • Integrity •

Everyone deserves a living wage. That includes you, your colleagues, your staff, your friends and neighbours and me.

If the success of your business comes from underpaying others, let’s change that. The earlier we shift the focus from cutting costs to nurturing relationships, the better the success of your business. The impact talent attraction, staff retention and workplace satisfaction can have on your business is monumental.

Treat your people well, your business depends on them.

I am a climate and social justice campaigner.


In solidarity with those who suffered from the Rana Plaza collapse in 2013, we did a Cost of Fashion walk in Central London to call out complicit brands.

Panelist & Speaker

I was a panellist at HubSpot’s Earth Fest to discuss how companies, communities and individuals are leading the way in JAPAC when it comes to sustainability. It was an hour-long panel including Q&As with their internal staff members from all over the region.

Active Citizen

Engaging with the government on the development of natural spaces. E.g. Giving feedback to the SFA about the development of fish farms on our Southern Islands.

Every industry is connected to the environment, even if it is not obvious.

All vital resources come from the earth — water, electricity, material, ingredients and more. We rely on nature, and nature relies on us. Keeping our extractive activities within planetary boundaries is key to the longevity of not only our businesses but our lives.

Invest in regeneration, not extraction.

The dismantling of current systems require the building of alternative ones.

Let’s do it together. Book a free call with me to start.